J & J Designs Exhibits Sustainable Fashion at African Sustainable Fashion Show 

J & J Designs Exhibits Sustainable Fashion at African Sustainable Fashion Show | Afro-SFI 2023 | Sustainable Fashion in Cameroon J & J Designs is a member of the Afro-Sustainable Fashion Initiative which is promoting the Training-Empowerment-Promotion approach to sustainable fashion, a project which trains fashion designers in sustainable fashion and provides capacity building for economic empowerment. They participated in the first edition of the Afro-Sustainable Fashion Show in Limbe, on January 23rd, 2023, under the theme “Reducing Fashion’s Ocean Plastic Pollution”. Emerging second winner (First Runner Up) of the show, J & J Designs is passionate about fashion and arts and always produces the best of designs to the satisfaction of its customers. Created by Abendong Jones, they are based in Buea, South West Region of Cameroon which produces and sales fashion accessories such as socks, suits, ties, watches and others. The fashion brand has as mission to train and empower others in fashion designing in order to help build the fashion industry in Cameroon. Also, promoting sustainable fashion by redesigning from their waste plastic-based fabrics.